


De GBLL, TAL, ALAO, etc.


The Lex:gaMe project aims to organize previously developed language learning serious games around a shared collaborative lexicon designed and implemented during the project.

Project presentation

Learning vocabulary is an essential part of mastering a second language. But the time allotted to language learning in French universities tends to make it necessary to focus class activity on interaction and collaborative tasks, sometimes leaving out explicit lexical work altogether.

The Lex:gaMe project aims at providing learners and teachers with a lexical database connected to two games targeting various aspects of lexicon oriented learning (MagicWord et Prisms).

Architecture du projet Lex:gaMe


The key piece of this project is the BaLex lexical database. It aims to bring an incremental and collaborative dimension to the classical Vocabulary Notebook.

In addition to their personal lexicon, each learner will have access to one or more group lexicons, i.e. common resources they will co-create. Dependending on the language, the system imports part of the wiktionary data, before editing and improvement mechanism allow learners to take control of their lexicon.

BaLex also offers optional gamification functionalities.

All lexical data is stored in BaBa:Lex which provides an API for other services

The Games

Both games follow the same design strategy:

  • taking an existing game notoriously accepted as a game by a large community in which language plays an important role ;
  • alter the rules so that they enhance certain aspects of language learning.

Play is meant to improve motivation for lexical acquisition and make the repetition necessary to memorization less tedious.

By linking the games to Ba:BaLex, we hope to improve the skills transfer


MagicWord targets low level lexical skills (form identification, morphological rules and access to meaning). It contains an authoring tool to create games targeting specific lexical goals.


Prisms est un jeu de devinette qui vise à prolonger les travaux entrepris pour Game of Words en augmentant les modalités de jeu. Il s'adresse plus précisément au connaissances lexicales de haut niveau (sens, usage) et à la compétence stratégique.



Lex:gaMe est un projet financé par le labex ASLAN (ANR-10-LABX-0081) de l'Université de Lyon dans le cadre du programme français "Investissements d'Avenir" géré par l'Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR)


Porté par l'équipe SICAL du LIRIS, le projet Lex:gaMe bénéficie de contributions de différents collègues issus de :